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Gelada Artwork

Monkey Portrait
Gelada Artwork  
a daughter-company and affiliate of Africa Invest Network was added today , Wednesday, November 15th, 2017 to provide an opportunity for Africans with natural talents in Fine Art, Sculpting, Painting, Ceramics, Pottery, Molding, Bronze Casting, Masks, Taxidermy, and Carving to showcase their talents before the rest of the world. Located at the world famous Easton Mall in Columbus, Ohio, this will be the first stop for all our sponsors and investors to see the individual works of our sponsor/investment seekers, before committing to their sponsorship. Sponsorship seekers may send a sample of their works directly to us at our address on this website. Here are some of the benefits of sending Africa Invest Network your works:

1.   Free, international exposure.
2.   At least 50% of the net income from the sale of your artwork is guaranteed to you.
3.   Talent Sponsorship opportunity.
4.   We refund your shipment cost (after we receive the item in undamaged condition).


**Please, be aware that shipping items (especially from Africa) can be risky, and Africa Invest Network is not responsible for any lost shipment.

To begin, please click on "Investment Seekers", and then click on "Investment seekers-submit business plan".

                                                      Corvid-19 (Corona Virus) Update
There's been a sudden emergence of new Covid-19 variants. Here at Africa Invest Network, we understand that this virus may be here for sometime to come. We are closely monitoring its developments, and would like to assure everyone that it is safe to do business with us, and for those clients who don't feel comfortable coming into our offices, virtual meetings using "Zoom" is highly welcome.

2021 E. Dublin Granville Rd

Ste 276

Columbus, OH 43219, USA

Phone: (614) 702-7867

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                                                          Corvid-19 (Corona Virus) Update from CDC

  • KP.3.1.1, a descendant of KP.3, is the top variant in the United States, representing 54–60% of viruses nationally, and increases have slowed.

  • XEC, a hybrid of two JN.1 variants, represents 14–22% of viruses and is increasing.

  • MC.1, a descendant of KP.3.1.1, represents 3–7% of viruses and is increasing.

We are closely monitoring these developments, and would like to assure everyone that it is safe to do business with us. For
those clients who don't feel comfortable coming into our offices, virtual meetings using "Zoom" is highly welcome.

​© 2015 by Africa Invest Network. Proudly created with by Mason T. Joshua.  

We work with every government in Africa

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