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Frequently Asked Questions
We are aware of the concerns of both investors and investment seekers, and have taken the time on this page to answer some of your questions.
1. How is Africa Invest Network different from all other investment firms in Africa?
Today, the internet is littered with companies and countries who claim to be investing in Africa. They use phrases like "Equity Investment", "Equity Finance", "Purchase of securities and exchange", etc., which some, by the way, don't know what they mean or how they apply to Africa. These companies never ask themselves: "What, to the poor African is an Equity Investment?". Moreover, today, most countries, entrepreneurs, and companies who claim to be investing in Africa are actually not investing at all, but "buying up Africa". When an investment seeker tells them that they have, for example, a Rubber Plantation or Cocoa Farm needing financial help, these countries and investment firms simply buy up this farmer's plantation for "pennies on a dollar", i.e. far cheaper than what it is actually worth, leaving this poor investment seeking farmer with little or nothing. As an investment seeker with Africa Invest Network on the other hand, you don't need to fear being ripped off by anyone. We prepare you to meet Investors, and prepare Investors to meet you.
As an investor, you are in control of your money from start to finish, and get to choose whether you finance an entire project or be a co-investor or financier in several individual projects. Unlike traditional investment scams in most of the "manipulated" stock markets worldwide, (where you are not guaranteed to get your money back), investing through Africa Invest Network guarantees you get your original investment ( "Principal") plus the agreed upon interest back. Look at Africa Invest Network as a single pool of funding from several investors worldwide. We use this pool to fund a business plan submitted by the investment seeker, and get the business off the ground in one of 3 ways:
(1) You the investment seeker, secures 100% funding directly from Africa Invest Network with a negotiable stake or control
of your company, without having to deal with any third-party investors, or struggle to find a "collateral" or "Pledge"
to a bank or private lender to secure badly needed funds to realize your business dreams.
(2) You the investment seeker, secures funding from any of our third-party investors, with the control of the business based
on how much stake you and the investor(s) agree upon. For example, if you the investment seeker ask for $100,000
from investors with a 10% stake in your company, the investor(s) can counter-offer on the percentage stake, and whatever
stake you and the investor(s) agree upon will determine how much control they have over your business.
(3) Africa Invest Network or any of our third-party investor(s) buys your business at the current appraised market price.
Africa Invest or the investor(s) may decide to hire you to
work for us at an agreed upon salary, or we may decide to just pay you for the business and say goodbye to you.
Under this plan, you have no final say in the business. Africa Invest or the investor(s) call all the shots.
As you can see, our investment model is straight forward and far easier to understand, and our "no pressure" policies, creates far better opportunities by allowing the investment seeker to determine which of the 3 investment relationships above he or she would want to pursue with the investor(s).
*Attention*Please, be aware that neither Africa Invest Network nor our affiliated investors will invest in any start-up or encourage our investors to put their money in any start-up, business proposals, pilot programs, or speculative ideas. Your business must be currently operating and showing potentials in the form of verifiable sales numbers. We are looking for entrepreneurs that have demonstrated their natural gifts and abilities in business (verified by at least 1 year of exponential sales revenue growth, and a market with a strong and growing customer base).
***In the case of investments in local and federal government projects such as roads, airports or bridges, we invest directly with the government entities or departments involved after filing and registering the appropriate paperwork with the International Court at the Hague and with the International Monetary Fund (for the protection of our investments and investors). We expect these governments to pay us back either in cash (local or foreign currencies), bonds, or natural resources such as crude oil, natural gas or precious metals (gold, silver, diamonds, etc. ). Local and federal government projects are the safest investment programs we have available here at Africa Invest network, and the most rewarding because we insist that our projects be named after our investors or their companies. For example, roads, bridges, utility projects, the streets of the villages, cities, townships or industrial settlements will be named after our investors. Besides, they are also the easiest projects to recoup your investments, because if these governments don't pay, we go after their assets worldwide. For example, we can place a lien on their aircrafts in any country they fly to, if they have an airline, or foreign currency transactions wherever they do business***
2. What are the core values of Africa Invest Network?
Our Core values are: Truthfulness, Integrity and Trust [TIT]. We take "TIT" very seriously. We are one of the few companies that does "Extreme Vetting", i.e. conduct extensive criminal background checks on every investor, sponsor, investment seeker, private and government contact, and at the first sign of scams, embezzlement, fraud, dishonesty, theft, money laundering, support of terrorist activities/organizations, drug trafficking or any other illegal activity, we immediately drop and dissociate our company from them, and immediately report them to the United States FBI, Interpol, Scotland Yard, and all other law enforcement agencies around the world. So, before you submit your business plan or do business with Africa Invest Network, make sure you have cleaned your act.
3. How Do I get started with Africa Invest Network?
Go straight to Do not click on any outside link to our website (especially on Facebook) created by another person or
company . We are not affiliated with them. They are "419" scammers.
4. How Do I submit a Business plan or Cost~Benefit Analysis?
If you are an individual investment seeker, simply fill out the Business Plan submission form (under the "Forms & Disclosures" button), pay the $300 (US) application fee (which will be refunded back to you once your business is funded) AND SUBMIT YOUR BUSINESS PLAN. If you are a government department or an authorized government official, simply fill out the "Local/Federal Govt Seeking Investors" form (under the "Forms & Disclosures" button) pay the $1,500 application fee, AND SUBMIT YOUR COST~BENEFIT ANALYSIS. We would then evaluate your business plan, or Cost~Benefit Analysis, and link you up with the investors within 30 business days. Africa Invest Network recommends a Business Plan of between 20-25 pages long, or a Cost~Benefit Analysis between 25-35 pages long, containing among other things, the following critical information, many of which are frequently used by Investment powerhouses like Berkshire Hathaway:
Business plan that demonstrates consistent earning power of your business. Africa Invest Network and our affiliated investors are not interested in financing your "Dreams", "Ideas", "Hobbies", or "Pilot programs". You must show us that you are currently running this business and it is currently earning revenues. Future projections are also of little or no interest to investors, nor are “turnaround” situations.
The business plan must include among other things, your customer acquisition cost (what it costs you to acquire a customer), your business valuation (make it simple: Just subtract your business assets from your debts and other liabilities).
Businesses currently earning good returns on equity while employing little or no debt are often quickly picked up by us and our affiliated investors.
Efficient management or owners in place (we can’t supply it).
An offering price (Your Funding Goal): How much money do you need to move forward? (we don’t want to waste our time or that of our investors by talking, even preliminarily, about a business or transaction when cost or price is unknown).
Use of Funds: How do you plan to use the investment funds? (Hint: Please, do not quote a 6-figure salary for yourself. We will figure out your salary after we secure the funding for you).
Milestones: What will you be able to achieve with ours or our affiliate investors' money?
Terms: What percentage stake are you offering us or our affiliated investors? What do we get in exchange for our investment?
***Please, do not use terms like "Equity Investment", "Equity finance", "Securities and Exchange Purchase" in your business plan or Cost~Benefit Analysis. Neither Africa Invest Network nor our Investors have an idea if your government project, business, or business idea is worth raising capital for, by selling shares (which is what "Equity Investment" means). Please, follow these steps carefully to avoid delays in processing your request. Part of being a successful business owner is the ability to follow instructions and procedures carefully.
***Important notice for anyone seeking finance for community projects***
Africa Invest Network does not, and will not invest or seek investment on your behalf, for any project undertaken by, or for any monarch (Oba, King, Queen, Emir, Sultan, Village Chief) in Africa because such investment contracts are not enforceable in international courts, since African Monarchs have no Constitutional authority or jurisdiction over any Village, Township, Settlement, Colony, City, or State, even though some of them think they are still living in the age when they had their own kingdoms and caliphates, and have such authority. In majority of cases in Africa, presidents, governors and the federal government department ministers call all the shots in nearly all development projects.
5. How does Africa Invest Network operate?
We first review your business plan, and if we find it viable, we send our delegation to come see you in Africa and get a first hand look at your location and business strategy. At this stage, we might need to tweak (i.e. make corrections or changes to your business plan) to reflect what we see on the ground in Africa. It then moves to the next stage: We make you an immediate offer (direct funding by Africa Invest Network with a proposed stake), or pitch it to our affiliated investors, and upon approval of your Business Plan, or the Sponsorship Application form by sponsor(s), we begin phase 1 funding. If you are an athlete or an individual with any other unique natural talent, we may arrange for you to train here in the United States. If you are an investor, simply fill out the investor form and pay the $500 (US) application fee. Once we match you with an investment seeker, we bring all parties together to proceed to the next stage. Once or twice a year, we will fly our investors/sponsors to visit and see first hand, what their money is doing in Africa, and once or twice a year, we fly investment seekers to our corporate headquarters in Columbus, Ohio, USA, to meet with their investors.
6. Where is Africa Invest Network located?
Our corporate headquarters is currently in Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A. Regional offices will be springing up in every country in Africa soon.
7. I am an African who lives outside Africa. Can I still use the services of Africa Invest Network?
Yes, but your business must be physically located in continental Africa, and if you are a gifted athlete or someone with natural talents that needs sponsorship, we also insist that you must be living in Continental Africa. Here at Africa Invest Network, our vision is to empower Africans to use their "Natural, God-given talents and abilities" to get out of poverty, and to prove to the rest of the world that, given the right opportunity, Africans are capable of creating their own wealth.
8. As an Investor, What is the minimum amount I can invest with Africa Invest Network?
Minimum is $5,000. There is no maximum. You can choose to invest in any individual listed project on our website, or single-handedly finance an entire project on your own.
9. Are there any specific standards required for all businesses financed through Africa Invest Network?
Yes. All Africa Invest Network affiliated businesses must:
(a) Be properly registered with the appropriate business registration authorities in the country where the business will be
located. This also applies to all businesses in the rural areas and villages.
(b) Have a business insurance (which we currently provide through Shielded Path Insurance, in the U. S. A.)
(c) Have security services (which will be provided through "Prying Eye", a daughter company of Africa Invest network that
specializes in Business and Private security services in Africa).
(d) Have an independent bookkeeper (if it is an investment of less than $500,000 (US), or use the services of a professional
accounting firm (CPA or Chartered Accounting) if it is an investment of $500,000 (US) or more.
***Bookkeeping services will be provided by G/L Accounting Solutions, a reputable firm in Columbus, Ohio, USA, which
specializes in small
business accounting, bookkeeping, payroll and tax filing. G/L Accounting Solutions is currently in the process of opening
offices in Africa***
(e) Hire or employ at least 75% of its workforce locally in the African country where it is located.
(f) Have modern cash registers, point of sale processing machines that can accept credit and debit cards, a well developed
and frequently updated website, a functioning business phone, fax machine, and a reliable internet connection-even if the
business is located in the African village.
(g) Pay local, state and federal taxes to the appropriate authorities in the country where the business and its branches are
located. In most cases, Africa Invest Network will collect the taxes ourselves and pay the government authorities directly.
10. Security is sometimes a problem in Africa. What assurance do I have that my business will be safe and secure in Africa?
Some of the current security issues in Africa are: "Terrorism", "Military coups and counter-coups", "Corrupt local police", "Seize and grab local leaders" (greedy presidents, governors, Obas, kings, queens, religious leaders, politicians, witch-doctors, high-ranking military and police officers, and in some cases, pirates, kidnappers and neighborhood thugs). Africa Invest Network is aware of these security concerns, and have taken the following steps to address them:
(a) In most cases, we register our business affiliates with the International Court of Justice at The Hague. For example, if your business requires land, the deeds to the land is registered at the International Court of Justice at The Hague (Netherlands). This way, you are guaranteed that no one in their right mind will have the audacity to forcefully evict your business or take your land. If they try, we will prosecute them to the full extent of the law. I am sure no African president, governor, oba or king wants to be on the list of "Scotland Yard", "Interpol" or "FBI" as a wanted criminal.
(b) Our in-house security services department (Prying Eyes), provides on-site security service for all our business affiliates.
(c) We work with the good local law enforcement agencies, and also use the services of "Prying Eye", a daughter company of Africa Invest network that specializes in Business and Private security services in Africa) to protect our business affiliates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
(d) We do not locate businesses in terrorism-strongholds. We move them far away.
(e) If there's a military coup or counter-coup, we use the electronic devices we install for our business affiliates to shut down the businesses temporarily, until things return to normal. This way, we help protect our business affiliates from looting, and our investors from losing money.
11. What other problems do businesses face in Africa, and how does Africa Invest Network address these problems?
Besides the security problems, and the often unpredictable political situations in many African countries, African businesses also face "Lack of basic infrastructure" (well paved and properly identified roads, bridges, traffic lights, road signs), "Utilities" (water, power, sewage systems), "Communication Technology" (landline phones, internet). To address these issues, Africa Invest Network ensures that all our affiliates locate their businesses where the roads are good, have easy access, and can easily be located by all customers. In some cases we will pave or improve the roads around our affiliate businesses. The offices, shops or warehouses of almost all of our business affiliates are built from scratch and have all the basic utilities and amenities available in the most developed countries in the world. We do not open for business until all these critical components are in place. We created several in-house departments to address these issues. Please, click on "Departments" for details.
12. What other services does Africa Invest network provide for its business affiliates?
Our business experts provide regular training to all business owners affiliated with us. Part of this training may occur here at our corporate headquarters in the United States, or at another designated country. We want our affiliates to succeed so they can pay back our investors.
13. As an investor, how do I recoup my investment (get my money back)?
The minimum wait time to receive the return on your investment is 3 years. This way, we don't put undue pressure on our investment seekers. Africa Invest Network offers one of the most lucrative deals to investors. For investors who are not interested in a stake in a single company but only wants to join the pool of cash investors, the interest we offer is 12% (which is between 4-6% above the average interests offered investors elsewhere). The 12% is broken down as follows:
Standard interest charge-6%
Investor protection against inflation: 3%
Investor "Wait" incentive (for waiting 3 years to get their money back): 1%
Investment "Risk" factor: 2% Total: 12%
This allows us to guarantee all cash-only investors the principal they invest-regardless of whether the business makes money or not. In other words, let's say for example that you invest $5,000 (US), you are guaranteed to get that original amount back at the end of the third year. You can choose to receive your interest payment once every year for 3 years, or 4 times a year (for a total of 12 interest payments in 3 years). In our example above, the Future Value (FV) of your $5,000 investment today, compounded once a year at 12% for 3 years, using the formula FV= PV*(1+12%)^3 will yield $7,024.64 (US). That is a whopping 40.5% Return On Investment (ROI). No bank or Investment Company in this world today will add $2,024.64 to your investment of $5,000 in as little as 3 years, unless of course they are running a "Ponzi Scheme".
14. I am interested in African movies. What do I need?
For the Investment Seeker:
The most critical part of our movie finance option is meeting our standard guidelines. Again, every screenplay must meet Hollywood standards (between 90-120 pages long, in good taste, with no camera directions), and with the correct script formatting. We understand that many screenwriters and producers worldwide are not familiar with these standards, and as such, we have employees here who are trained to read, evaluate, properly format and write "Log Lines" ( a 3-paragraph summary of the "Who", "What", "Why", "When" and "Outcome" of the story). Once we are satisfied that your script has met our guidelines, we list it and ask producers to check it out, and if we believe the story is "Great", we will also list it in the other platforms of movie studios seeking screenplays. Finally, if all else fails, we approach private lenders (mostly rich Africans in the United States and Europe) for private funding.
For the Investor:
Once you pay the investor fee of $500, you will have access to the "Log Line", i.e. ( a 3-paragraph summary of the "Who", "What", "Why", "When" and "Outcome" of the story) . You will then submit your investment amount (which is any amount you want to invest, but cannot be less than $10,000 (US). For example, let's assume Africa Invest network has a movie project that will cost $10 million (US): Pre-production will not start until we have received the total $10 million from investors. Pre-production will last for 30 days (1 month), followed by shooting for another 120 days (4 months), and post-production for another 30 days (1 month). Investors will then begin getting back their money exactly 180 days (6 months) after the first day the movie hits the theaters. So, from the day the producers reach the budget goal of the movie to the time an investor gets paid is approximately 12 months (1 year). For example, the Future Value (FV) of an $100,000 investment compounded once a year at 12% for 1 year using the formula FV= PV*(1+12%)^1 will yield $112,000 (US). That is a good 12% Return On Investment (ROI). No Bank or Investment Company in this world today will will add $12,000 to your investment of $100,000 in as little as 1 year, unless of course they are running a "Ponzi Scheme". On the other hand, If you decide to wait 3 years before getting your money back, the yield will be $140,492.80, a gain of $40,492.80 and a whopping 40.5% return on investment. Start investing in African movies today!
15. As an Investor, why should I invest in Africa versus say, Europe or North America?
Think about the massive natural disasters-hurricanes, tsunami, cyclones, earthquakes, volcanoes, tornadoes, freezing and frying temperatures ravaging the United States, Europe, Japan, New Zealand, etc. and you will agree that Africa is the right place to invest at the moment. Besides, most investment rules and regulations in Europe and The United States or Canada, favor the investment firms over the investor. In these countries, investment firms can "legally" steal from you. All they have to tell you is that "the Stock Market went down" or that "the market lost certain number of points", and there's nothing the governments of these countries can do for you other than remind you about the "volatility and unpredictability of the stock market". Investors in these nations often experience sleepless nights, and their health and happiness is often dependent on the performance of their investments in the stock market. Those who invest in regular businesses are often taxed to their eyeballs-even after they are dead. Suicide and bankruptcies are very common among these investors. These same government attitudes apply to many Asian, South American, Pacific Island nations, Australia and New Zealand, and even some Middle East countries, because these nations modeled their stock markets and other investment policies after the United States and Western Europe. Africa Invest Network on the other hand, has a unique monitoring system that ensures that the company you invest in, is going the right direction. If the company is not making money, we step in to protect the investor by making all the necessary changes to set it on the right track or close it.
16. What if my business fails or is failing?
Africa Invest Network has an experienced team of business advisers that are trained to guide you and detect flaws that can potentially harm your business. We conduct "Quarterly Audits" (every 3 months) to ensure that there are no frauds, thefts or embezzlement by owners, management or staff. But if all else fails (which sometimes happen in life), we don't just give up on you or abandon you. We figure out why things failed or are failing. If it is a mismatch problem, we simply look for another business for you, and re-assign the failing business to someone else that can do better in that particular market. If it is lack of business knowledge, we fly you to our corporate headquarters in Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A. for further training.
17. How long does it take to get connected to an investor?
It all depends. Businesses that are currently running and making profits are much more attractive to investors than start-ups. However, the preparedness of the investment seeker, type of investment, and the country of location also play significant roles. It is possible for us or our affiliated investor(s) to put money in your idea or vision right away, or it may take up to a year. Regardless of the time it takes, you as an investment seeker have nothing to lose by waiting. Afterall, you are not spending any of your money while waiting. Also, please note that disbursement of investment funds is gradual, often in 3-5 stages. We adopted this policy in order to minimize any loses to our investors. We reserve the right to cut off funding at any stage for any business, if we find out that an investment seeker is not prepared, not ready, don't understand the market, defrauding or attempting to defraud our investors.
18. Do I still need to submit a business plan even if I have an existing business?
Yes. No business should ever get off the ground or continue to exist without a business plan. A business plan is as important to your business as a "flight Plan" is to a pilot. Our investors want to see your business plan before they commit to your business, because they will likely not see your current business vision the same way you see it, and may want to modify or completely reshape it before putting money into it. Besides, they would like to know how your business is currently doing.
19. Do I need a university degree before Africa Invest Network can help me with my business?
Even though a college (university) education helps a lot, it is not a prerequisite for business ownership at Africa Invest Network, or business success in life. Some of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world today never went to university. We are more interested in your business talent, vision, motivation and hard work.
20. How do governments or their designated representatives seek investment through Africa Invest Network?
To begin the process, Africa Invest Network requires a written "Proposal" or "Certified letter of Intent", approved by either the local government leader, the governor, state or federal minister or commissioner or their legal, designated representatives which must specify directly what kinds of projects they are interested in financing, and pay the government investment seeker fee on our website. Africa Invest Network investigates all government proposals and letters before speaking or communicating with anyone.
**We do not accept proposals from monarchs or religious leaders because they do not have any constitutional authority in African countries**
21. I see that Africa Invest Network also help people build their dream homes in Africa. Why should I build my house through you?
Because we believe you do not have the stomach for the "crazy" land bureaucracy in Africa, especially in countries like Nigeria where the same land is often sold to more than one person at the same time, and only the one with the strongest "Juju" (voodoo) claims the land in the end. Our local representatives are well trained former police officers and soldiers with experience dealing with land-related witchcraft, and dealing with thugs, and we have trained them on using object and seismic shift detectors to seek out any voodoo, magical amulets, potions and charms buried in a property before we even make the purchase. Our experienced in-house building staff use state-of-the-act equipments to detect flood areas, sink holes, seismic faults, tornado and sand storm paths which we immediately avoid. We negotiate better, build better, faster and cheaper because we have the resources to employ only the very best. Our lawyers and private security guards are the toughest and the best in Africa. Above all, we register your land at the International Court at the Hague (Netherlands). We dare anyone (we mean anyone) to come tamper or play hanky-panky with your land or your house. $25,000 can get you a descent house in Africa.
22. Are the $300 profile submission, $500 Business Plan, $500 Investor Application fees, $2,500 Cost-Benefit Analysis, and the $1,500 Governments seeking investors' fees refundable?
Initially, they are not. Africa Invest Network uses these fees to conduct worldwide criminal background checks, credit checks and administrative costs involving Business Plan, Cost-Benefit Analysis editing or rewrites. But once your business plan or Cost-Benefit Analysis plan is approved for funding, these fees will be refunded back to you.
23. Can African Non-profit Organizations/NGOs seek investments through Africa Invest Network?
No. Africa Invest Network is currently focused on empowering "individual" Africans -Not NGOs to create their own wealth using their own natural, God-given talents.
24. What if I don't know how to write a Business Plan or a Cost~Benefit Analysis?
Don't worry. Give us details of your business vision, and our team of experts here at Africa Invest Network will write a Business Plan for you for $500, or give us details of your government project and we will write a Cost~Benefit Analysis for you for $2,500.
25. Do you accept "Bank-to-Bank Wire Transfer" for making payments for things like business plan submission?
Yes, but only wire transfers from banks located in the United States. All other payments must be made with Money orders (we prefer Western Union or Money Gram) or credit or debit (ATM) cards. We accept all cards with "Visa", "MasterCard", "American Express" and "Discover" logos on them. If you live in the United States, you also will be able to use our "Pay by check" option.
26. How safe are debit/credit card transactions on your website?
To the best of our knowledge, they are safe. Our merchant services provider verifies every transaction and immediately cancels and alerts us of suspicious activities. Here at Africa Invest Network, we are very strict on card and bank account fraud. We immediately terminate all relationship and communication with anyone who uses a stolen bank account information, credit or debit card. But we don't stop there: We also report them to the local authorities in their country, and to the Interpol, FBI, Scotland yard, and many more law enforcement agencies around the world for financial crimes. So, before you do business with Africa Invest Network, get your act together! Clean up your life!!
27. I would like to be closer to my investment in Africa. How do I go about this?
Excellent question! Africa Invest Network will secure an "Investor Visa" for you in the African country you are investing in. The duration of your visa will depend on how long you the investor wants to stay. We might even secure you a "Permanent Resident" status-if you want.